
Cut above the rest...

As everyone who reads this blog, my three fans, know that I just love to curl up with a good book. Okay, that is false, I hate to read and the last book I read from cover to cover was Corduroy - the bear who loses his button off his suspenders.

However, today I did flip through the Sunday paper, and a few magazines. I was surprised to read a new trend in men under the age of 30 and that is the vasectomy. Even typing it hurts! Ouch.

The logic behind this elective surgery is the ability to have the ability to not reproduce like Angelina Jolie - seven kids in 24 hours or something. No crazy ladies entrapping them with child support when the first or last name of the other party was never caught at any point in the limited deep conversation time.

Those young people sure have a way of getting around obstacles. Hmm!

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