
Not your grammy's music!

The Grammy's went solo, no true host and really did not appear it listened to the public. Case in point, Dixie Chicks were a go-go as they snatched up three key awards. Mary J. Blige won, and read the phonebook of all the people who have thanked her, knew her, met her or sold drugs to her. Bless Jesus too! Five or so wonder-acts received the highest honor by being placed in the hall of fame. But there was not much fame for them. A camera shined in their face, but they were not given an award, nor were they able to thank anyone. It was the best of the after-thought to remember those who have come before all the other acts. To top the night off, one person who has never been a known singer, sung through the miracle of text messaging. Teamed up with Justin Timberlake was some chick who no one will probably ever recall her name. Some of the live music was enjoyable, but the mosh-pit in the middle of the stage was everything to include distracting. What is up with Gnarls Barkley?!? Wonder if Tennille is aware that her captain is on tour without her! It was nice to see the Police reunited. It was also good that Enya (not shown) won best New Age Album. I also had no idea that Ike Turner released an album ... and won! Best (Black) and Blues album. Oh yeah, Robin Troop was the Justin Timberlake singer (probably should write that one down, so when people say ... remember that one girl who sung at that award show .... wonder what she is doing now, who was she anyway.... you will know the answer (and she could just be bussin' your table!

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