
One of the three R's: Revolt...

This city will never move pass go! Ranters hate the idea of commerce downtown, ranters hate the idea of sports downtown, ranters hate housing downtown, ranters hate smoke, ranters hate smoky places, now ranters hate that our schools that have all been built prior 1978 need to be fixed up. If your house was nearing thirty years old, or forty, or eighty years old might you need a heating system? Might you need driveway repairs? Of course the vocal citizens of Fort Wayne do not want to perform any repairs to the schools. If you have a family of four the traffic in and out of your house over seven years can show definite patterns on carpets, plus all the "stuff" that happens. Imagine your house with 100, 500, 1,000 people in there daily?!? I am always so surprised by the vocal citizens of Fort Wayne who would give up their child to get a beating parlor or a casino but would do nothing to make sure the school has heat for that child. I do not have children, but I do think the schools should be safe, heated, structurally sound. Perhaps I live in a bubble, but I see that the idea of progress is a necessity for our community. We need commerce downtown, sports downtown, schools that are in good condition, and Marshall Fields. Well, perhaps I am in a bubble we will never get Marshall Fields back! When the petition to save the schools or watch them fall in on themselves, make the right choice. Do your own research. Visit a school. Talk with a teacher perhaps you will learn more than what the ranters are wanting you to know.

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