
Texas ... has whore hair in it ...

Yesterday was Valentine's Day! The romantic day filled with candied hearts and smelly roses. That is, if you are in love, or think you are in love! The rest of us smucks, simply went about our lives having grand times without headache or strings.

My peeps and I intended to go to Texas Whorehouse, err, Roadhouse for dinner because that is the best place to see love in bloom with an onion bloom in the center of your table. However, the wait was two hours! What? Two hours for something called "steak" with a price of 2 for $9.99?

We planted ourselves at Applebees Neighborhood Bar - where the locals go!

First off, the damn menu is a child's book! It has bright blocks of color on each of the 8 pages. Ordering from this menu reminds me of the old Geranimals, where you had to match the pieces together to get something.

After about 45 minutes of trying to determine what I wanted from the purple side that matched with the red side which ultimately went with the green side, the picture above captures that our table had so much food that we thought we were at a buffet!

Speaking of buffet, our waitress, who I will lovingly call Buffy, was a real bitch. Young chick who was upset that someone did not buy her a carnation arm coursage!

Our group ended with a dessert overdose giving us an assortment of desserts which I did not regret ordering at the time, but this morning I feel like Aretha Franklin. Oh my!

What I found is that I had more fun this Valentine's Day than any other past celebration. To anyone who bought flowers, or jewelry or candy and this morning feels like a loser... you are.

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