
I have a dream...

... grab your pen to write a hate letter to me now, I know, this is not Martin Luther King, but how could I pass this one up. I don't remember Martin Luther King. I was born one month after his assassination. I worked today, my company did not see the value of observing it. However, half dozen of my employees felt it was worth taking of for. One of my banks was open and that was comforting to know that I could do some actual work. The city closed and the county closed, of course the schools closed, but the schools won't talk about Martin because ... it is not the type of history they want to share. The newspaper was a brochure more or less tonight. I wonder if he thought that forty years later his dream would mean that employees would take off work or companies would close and yet not discuss why they are closing. Oh well, I wonder if forty years from now if someone will take the day off to remember some like Ford with a day off work. Crowns'off to the King.

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