
Brand new bag!

Yesterday, a friend and I jumped in her car about 9:00 a.m. and we went on an adventure ride. No, we were not speeding up and down East State Street, we took to the highway and headed to Chesterfield, Indiana.
I am sure you all have gone there, the mecca of...of... well okay, you have never been there. We went to the small mystic village that was established in 1886. A campus, if you will, of homes and buildings where differently types of clairvoyants, palm readers, and other outreaches of paranormal phenomenons can occur. The monthly fair was taking place and registration was at 10:00. We arrived a few minutes after 10:00 and signed up for a two readings. Our readings would begin at 2:00, so now we had time to kill in Chesterfield. Well, we drove past the liquor store, and saw the gas station under construction, but couldn't feel the pull to stay in the city for a couple hours. We drove past the outlet mall in Anderson, but not much happening there, so we calculated our time remaining, our time to get to and from Indy, and thinking very proudly we just solved our first real life math story problem, we figured we had about one hour and half to eat or shop or both.
We did both! We impulsed shopped at Keystone, power ate the Original Cheesecake Factory and stopped for a soda before arriving back to the campus at 2:00 p.m.
The two readers were much different in their approach. One used translation of the Indian Bright Star on her shoulder (she was a bit off --- the reading and her state of mind). The second reader used numbers and birth dates, plus cards to derive at the conversation. I enjoyed her talk, she shared some ironic information about a friend of mine who ended his life this past week, and that was very moving to hear those comments.
For the $30 we spent, it was a great way to spend the day. Well, okay we spent $30 at the fair, I will need to find out what Crate and Barrel charged me for the packages.

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