
Call me crazy...

Okay, the entire world is changing! I am uncertain how much more I can take without having to find a white jacket. Speaking of white jackets, did you hear that KFC is redoing the icon known as Mr Sanders! The old fart is losing his jacket, getting a red apron and somehow he is the first old guy to lose weight eating fast food. It is depressing to see the old man get younger, thinner and well look like he should be bagging groceries. Oh heavens, no one bags groceries in an apron anymore, but they used to! Remember Maloley's or Roger's they all had aprons and then hauled your eggs to your car even if they were on the bottom. As thing changes and disappear, RIP Pink Panther cereal, I hope somethings remain the same. Like the newspaper being jammed packed with excellent stories and tid bits about our ever changing community. Don't tell me if even the newspaper may change...

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