
I heart this idea!

Today, during my annual Thanksgathering event, the topic of dating was a topic. Seems that a handful of people have tempted dating through online services. Seems few have had success. Fewer think they have a chance of finding that "right" person. Then I thought, what if a holiday was created to help single people meet other single people. I am thinking, Valoween. A combination of Halloween (the candy) and Valentines Day (the love). So, on this special holiday, all the single people will leave their lights on (the hunt-ees) and the other single people (the hunters) will be dressed to the 9's and go door to door, collecting candy and phone numbers. When a person trips the light fantastic, this person would turn off their light (and you know what happens from there, when the lights go out). Anyway, even if you come up a loser, you still get great chocolate. So, this is my idea of a new holiday that helps single people break out of the (candy) mold.

1 comment:

Nutrition Minute said...

man, you are hilarious!