
No. thank you.

Today is Thanksgiving. I have been adopted by another family to share in the act of giving and thanking. They are giving me a place to sit at the table, and I am thankful. My family is in Florida, but I hear the weather is not much nicer than it is in Indiana. I am cooking my rootbeer carrots. I am also bringing a pumpkin roll bomb. Similar to the Italian bomb but replaced the pound cake with pumpkin roll, and replaced the chocolate and vanilla pudding for carmel pudding. Tomorrow, buddy goes to the vet to get his annual check up. He does not know this, yet, so he is thankful today for not knowing what is coming tomorrow. I hope everyone is having a great holiday no matter who you spend it with, where you celebrate it or how you toast to the day. The celebration I attended was brimming with family fun. I had a grand time, helped a bit in the kitchen and my rootbeer carrots were just as successful as my Pumpkin Bomb. Got to love it when people say nice things about your cooking, even if it isn't stellar or gourmet. Just one week and two days until Carbozo...

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