
it ain't the love connection, but noteworthy

No matter what happens in our life,we are always attempting to stay connected. Sometimes it is through a song that may bring us back to a special place in time. Sometimes through photographs that allow us to recollect a wedding, a concert, a party, a graduation. Sometimes we connect through writing, perhaps what was known as 'paper and pencil' (guess I am showing my age, here), but also through blogs, emails and text messaging. Well, something happened for me yesterday to connect in a couple ways, some routine and not so typical. A friend and I went to Indy on Friday, we finished up some holiday bah-humbug shopping, and we went to a psychic. So, I went first (age before beauty) and after an hour, I was amazed at some of the facts, names and things that were delivered to my ears. Heard about family members who have left, but described them in pretty good detail. Described a friend without ever seeing her. Told me of a vacation I will take in October to Italy...hello! All and all, it was pretty wild to be connected with facts and perhaps fictions that made me more of a believer than I was when I walked through the office door. No glass ball, chiming music or veils, a normal every day person. When I came home, my DSL connection arrived too. So, painstakingly, I installed it and now I am legally on the web. The blog is up and running and back on a sort of routine. As the holiday and New Year approaches, connect with someone you have not spoke with to let them know you care, and don't wait until they contact from the other side.

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