
Oh, you so want to click the button...

Well dear friends, Fort Wayne is on the move. If you click the Fort Wayne button you will see where Fort Wayne is going. (If you click the button and it does not take you anywhere, then you know it is working properly.) The past couple weeks we had heard of someone buying the Holiday Inn to make it an upscale condo with shopping and who knows what other perfect amenities it could house. Well, that deal fell through. Surprise! The pink Holiday Inn is actually our pink elephant in town. Tall building gracing our skyline, that once inside is falling down within itself. Holiday Inn officials claim that the building needs a lot of work. Ironic, when is the last time someone admitted the truth. Which makes you wonder, if they are admitting there are structural and other issues, how bad must it really bad. You know Kenny Rogers had a little work done and we have seen how his little work effected his appearance. Perhaps with the new baseball stadium, I mean multiple purpose complex, the former Holiday Inn could be a multi floor retirement community. Everyone knows that the elderly love stairs and heights. We actually need one more retirement community. Every five miles is just not enough between them. Elderly do not need to go grocery shopping, so the fact that there is not a grocery store downtown would not be a turn off. Lets just hope 'meals on wheels' can just use the on-site kitchen.

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