
Potpourri Carbo Style

So many random thoughts and thing happening, I just don't know if my ADHD head can handle it!
First - Charles Nelson Riley passed away. I was and still am (though few may know) a big Match Game freak and his passing only tells me that the show really is in re-runs and not live. Ugh.
Second - Taco Bell is changing their recipes to include no trans fats. I think the rats were being diagnosed with high cholesterol and coronary issues. Thanks PETA, now everyone is safe.
Third - Brunch Bunch is Saturday so the menu is being massaged and grocery lists being developed. Have you responded? Are you coming? If not hit me back with a comment.
Fourth - Had dinner at the Redwood Inn last night. As seedy goes, it goes well. Nice and yummy, with a hint of lower lower middle class. I chugged a few beers and ate a sausage roll. Sat next to the large electronic baseballs sign. If you are ever there, listen to the noises it makes. It became kinda of funny. As my friend and I shared conversations it would make or say things, which sometimes was a bit wild because it seemed to be listening to us haha. Okay, I will stop the paranoid rant.
Finally - Matt Kelty explains that he is just stupid for not understanding Indiana Law about filing and that he and his council must have been at worship and missed that you just don't falsify your documents. This Republican encourages everyone to become or vote democratic this fall or find a write in candidate we can all campaign behind. Kelty is quicksand. Our city could soon become known as the underground city.

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