
Stamp of success

As you should know, today, postage stamps have increased by two more cents. So, here is my two cents on the topic: I encourage postage rates to increase. This would have to, at some point, effect the amount of junk mail I receive at my home. The number of catalogs I receive for products I will never ever purchase. For example I received a book about car parts. Trust me, that is the last thing I would attempt to purchase. Or Pottery Barn kids, What? I am amazed at the amount of stuff I throw into the trash can every night when I get home from work. This is when I wished I had a bird so I could line its cage. Or a goat that I could just feed. I receive credit card offers, post cards for places I doubt I will ever go to. I wished I could go to the mail box and get an old fashioned letter written by someone who I knew rather than a sweepstakes company that has made numerous attempts to reach me but at last resort had to send me a post card instead because they have a get-away weekend for me in a posh hotel on the water in Florida. So, I say U.S. Postal Service, keep raising the rates! If you want to send me a letter, heck send C.O.D. that would be fine by me.

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