
Spring - from my house to your ears!

Last night I read. I did not open the bottle of wine or create a pitcher of Grapefruit Martinis, nope just me and my cookbook magazine collection catching up and being inspired to host a Spring Brunch! I have picked the first Saturday in June to host this gathering of friends for brunch. It is wedged between my two vacations: Minneapolis and Nashville but what fun to have friends and family over to salute the kick off of spring. I am still mulling over the menu but I have already thought of the color scheme and layout, which normally is half of my battle. I plan to mix part breakfast with part lunch to give a full stomach to go with the great memories and laughter which I hope, if I follow the recipe correctly, will yield enough to go around for everyone. Invitations should be sent out soon, not sure, but have thought about an email invite, which is so not me, but I need to live outside of the cereal box. Stay tuned for more details. As always, open invited if you have read this ... just drop me a note.

1 comment:

Brian Kelly said...

Looking forward to it, Mark. I will try not to be too relaxed. Florida has been enjoyable so far. Have a good memorial day!