
Up Up and far away!

Yesterday as I was "cutting through" downtown to avoid traffic on Coliseum, 69 and West Jefferson I knew I could make great time, because there was nothing happening downtown this weekend. No concerts, no festivals, no market. It was like a holiday in downtown Fort Wayne. I am zooming, at the legal limit of course, down Clinton Street. I gander left and right at Headwaters Park. Yep, no elephant ear trailers, no kids running through the water spray, not even a plastic (pop mmhmm) cup rolling along the curb side. The city was neatly put away until Monday. But low and behold, I see balloons, banners, people! They are on the sidewalk of the court yard. I even saw George Bush! Yes, the President of the United States. Well, not exactly, but close. See, George and many, many others were protesting. Protesting war, speaking of peace, demonstrating. The irony is, I was the only car on the road at 1130 am on a Saturday. I kept thinking, why aren't you on Coliseum or 69 or some place where someone can hear you, see you. I thought, did you people not get the memo, closed until Monday? Sometimes you just got to be up, up and out of the way.


Betsy said...

My two cents...
I must stage a protest of my own. While there weren't any traditional outdoor summer fests taking place, there were plenty of other events going on - many of them downtown.

With that said, a protest would've probably been more effective on Coliseum Boulevard. Maybe during the next big country concert?

Carbo said...

I think the protest just added a spark of excitement that I did not anticipate as I zoomed through downtown.

Love the calendar link. This should be on YLNI's page.