
Primary Colors of WHITE

Well, you will not find a street corner, a newspaper, a radio station and probably a quiet spot in a restaurant where you won't hear about the white people who won the primary in New Hampshire.
With tears in her eye, as if she was cutting an onion, Clinton spoke from the heart (and off a teleprompter) to get the lead votes in the democratic primary election. Though the percentages were close, Clinton grabbed 39% of the vote. The other guy, the first serious black candidate other than Hillary's husband, received 37%. This is what has my goat, when did Hillary become female only and Obama became only black. Compare and contrast the same. Big teeth to short hair? Huh? This is why I struggle with politics.
On the Republican side, well Fred Thompson may be getting his job back on Law and Order. No one has returned to Law and Order have they? He could be the first! I like Fred, I like Ron Paul and McCain is alright too I guess. Can't say I am whippy about any candidate but I do find it interesting that when Indiana gets to vote there will only bet one candidate on each ballot. However, we may hear about issues that each plan to hold dear. Perhaps.

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