
Flash Back

Growing up Carbo, there are things I remember distinctly as if they had happened yesterday.

Recently, I was at a restaurant having lunch and as I was sitting by the two oldest ladies in Fort Wayne. They recants stories and said things that most of us never use as part of our daily vocabulary. Like, one lady talked about her icebox not working. Well, they don't make iceboxes any more, so perhaps it is time to upgrade. The other lady talked about the condition of her davenport, we now call that a sofa and it may need an updating just like her word choices.

This had me thinking of the things that I grew up with that are no longer in vogue. Like the rotary telephone, we now have cell phones. I was pumped to own my very own transistor radio and now I own three IPODS. I am not sure they are obsolete or gone, but the inch worm. Where are they now? I have not seen an inch worm since I was a kid.

There were times, growing up, that I would be outside in our first home at Northcrest, and I remember watching the clouds roll by ... can't say I have done that very much lately either. Inch worms and caterpillars were really cool to uncover, as a boy I guess.

Today is Easter. I am hosting a brunch for about 20 people and the menu is set out and the cookbooks are opened in the kitchen. A memory I held for many, many years was the tradition of taking the frozen chocolate bunnys from the freezer and putting them in a basket - out and about to showcase. For years, we never ate the candy. I was a big saver. I never wanted to ruin something that looked so amazing. Well, our icebox went out one year, and the bunnys had to be thrown away. I am sure I sat on our davenport and cried, but then again, it is a sofa, and I am grown up and life goes on.

Hope your holiday is filled with new memories.

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