
Mystery of Fort Wayne

Wandering through the "food alley" at the Three Rivers Festival last evening, I am always puzzled by the number of people who I have never seen in public before. It is shocking to see the latest trends in fashion, and tats and public displays of affection.

As a couple of my friends and I made our way from option A to option B, none of us were stopped with the "Oh my! Have not seen you since blah blah blah". Rather we peacefully ate some greekish dish and topped off with elephant ears, funnel cakes or the "healthy" alternative pumpkin roll.

The music at the festival had a nice thump thump boom chaka thump sound to it. Not the kind of music you might sing, unless you were Ike Turner on a flashback with a backbeat.

The pizza on a stick trailer did not seem to be drawing the people as one might think. And the elderly lady hocking caramel apples and bagged cotton candy seemed to have aged a few years standing in her lineless trailer. The temperature in the alley rose to at least 108 degrees and the breeze disappeared faster than the guy taking my money for the food. All and all, the festival still remains a mystery as to where the patrons reside. I also wonder, should I have tried the pizza on a stick just to say that I did have a bit of adventure? Festival runs through Sunday, so who knows, you may see me there and then you WILL know someone at the festival.

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