
Ashes to ashes...

A few of my friends have started a list of the fifty things we want to do before we die. I know, it sounds morbid, but really it is goal setting. We all have dreams and aspirations. Things we got to do at least once.
Now, my list is not full of wild adventure. Like, I want to learn a language. I think
I may start with English, just so I can cross it off my list. But there are things like being able to have teeth straightened and whitened (no offense for saying I want to be more white). I want to figure a way to store all my cds in a neat cabinet that I can access like a card catalog. I want to fall in love. Stop laughing! It does happen to people. Dr. Phil talks about it on (not that I would know). I want to travel the world, or at least the United States and Greater Italy. I want to have a kick-ass Carbozo celebration this winter that keeps all the neighbors up all night long, and that the breakfast is just as rad as it was last year. The challenge I have faced is coming up with fifty things for my list. So, right now, my list is shy about 24 items. I have a friend who wants to sky dive or something amazingly dare-devilish. The one thing I want to know is how to make deviled eggs. But lord knows, I try to do that I will burn down the house and all that will be left is ashes to ashes and dust to dust and then my list of fifty may be closed before its time. So NO eggs.

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