

I am a pretty light sleeper. I would be the person who could hear a branch fall in a forest or some profound phrase where there is a lot of noise and I yet could manage to hear it. Now, during the day, I am the person who says "huh" and yet answers. That is an entirely different blog....stay tuned.

Last night as I was watching my "must see TV" (Guiding Light, and Law and Order) I decided to have a popsicle. [Already I am sure you are wondering how did we get from sleep, to TV to a popsicle, stay the course, read my lips..rather blog]. It was a vanilla ice cream bar with a toffee chocolate layer on a stick. Pretty darn good. Felt like I was 7 again. It did not melt down my hand or anything, but then again my house is colder than the icebox to begin with....

Well, following my programs, I got up out of my chair, took Clyde outside for his walk and we went to bed. He snuggled near me, to help stay warm so he did not freeze in the subzero house. It was a good sleep, solid. Until 1230! I heard wood breaking.

The alarm did not go off, so no one was breaking in. Then my worst fear - Fire. But no smoke. And you know what they say where there is smoke there is fire, so the converse must be true. Then I thought ... Termites. I have seen the commercial, they eat hundred of pounds of wood an hour. My house was going to be gone by morning. So I got up out of bed to find Clyde was gone. Oh no, someone killed Clyde!! (Wrong show). I am calling him, but he does not come. I am thinking, uhho.... Well, to cut to the chase, I do not have termites. No fire. No woodchuck chuckin wood, nope. My pup decided that he recalled I had a popsicle which I had left the stick on the edge of the chair table.

With his abilities to scale small chairs in a single bounce, Clyde saved the popsicle stick from falling from atop the table. He though found it had a nice sweet taste and he thought he would munch on it.

So now I can go back to sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things that go bump in the night.....there's a ghost in my closet, someone's under my bed, the wind is knocking at my window and the dog is chewing the popsicle stick!!