
Circle Unbroken.

For as long as I remember, I have always championed myself as a person who says what he thinks, does what he feels is right and cares more for others over himself. I am sure we all have recaptured conversations in my mind after the fact and wished we could whitewash it and start over. However, being human, we do need to just proceed through our lives being as honest and forthright as possible. Good happens most of the time, and when the bad does come we need to be able to turn to the people who were honest, forthright and compassionate. The part of my life that defines my success is not the cd collection, or the Carbozo bash (that I am sure will be a stellar event), or my pup that is the envy of all critters one foot and under. I value my friendships. A good friendship allows one to gain something without taking. Gain a value that one will carry to the next person, and low in behold, the goodness chain becomes a circle. No one really has a new idea, they are all just repackaged. So, thank you to the words I have heard before ... the words I share ... and the listening I do to keep the circle from breaking.

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