
You old goat...

Does anyone ever wake up and just wish they could go right back to sleep? The past week has been a zoo. Not fun like a petting zoo might be, but a zoo that is shy of a circus.
Work has been busy - good busy - and my spare time has been filled with a great opportunity with YLNI. So, I am not complaining, though, why have a blog if one is not going to complain, right? Well, this past week made me reflect. It started a few postings ago about going egg head on ya, scalping myself. So, to prepare for this moment, I decided to replace the small amount of my hair from the top to the bottom. I have done the metal shaving shuffle, and I now have a goatee. Though I may look like a convicted felon, it is kind of fun to have it. I feel as though I am someone else. I have been telling people that it is on test-drive. Over the next couple weeks I will determine if this is the new look. I have enclosed another new picture to let you see what I look like with it. Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to see this goatee!! We should do a beatnick party now.. You can wear a berea and smoke cigarettes. Well...forget the cigarettes. Very retro Carbo!