
Reality is Reality...

Greetings from WisCOWsin. Land of cheese and cows. I am at a young professionals leadership conference. ID was not required to prove that I am under forty, but I was prepared. This has been one amazing experience. 150 people representing 30 states, representing 46,000 members of young professionals groups gathered on the University of Wisconsin campus to learn how to do better with time, talent and treasure. How to tap those treasures and learn best practices from others. My partner in crime, and I have learned a lot. Taken tons of notes, networked with many different cities and then we were separated to play The Amazing Race. Four people, where no one is supposed to be from the same city/member base, were given four pages of clues and five hours to seek through the city to find the answers. Now, mind you, I have never seen the show. What I can tell you is that I had one rockin team! We had to stay together and we had to all work together. We did. We had a blast. We had a few bumps, we nearly walked over/through a child who kept playing in front of the door. We lost a cell phone but a police officer found it and alarmed someone when the police man answered! We ate an amazing dinner in the downtime of regrouping at a wonderful college-upscale kinda way restaurant. We walked through rain and blustery wind to complete every task on the list. We had to be at the finish line at 9pm. When we finally found our last two clues, we had fifteen minutes to make it to the finish line. Resourcefully, we hopped a cab. We made it in time and within hours, we will find out who wins the cash prize. We had to convince one security officer to open the doors as they were closing to gather the needed information. We interviewed people until we found out some answers. (This was my role, obnoxious talkative and uninhibited). It was kind of funny, as we walked, very fast down the sidewalk, I felt like I was a tag-a-long on Sex in the City! Three funny, bright women. One in pretty decent heals, made Madison our own bed of conversation and witty banter! We walked faster than they do in LOST or they did walk in the West Wing! I took some pictures of our adventures and hope to post them in future blogs. I have been very fortunate to be one of the delegates from Fort Wayne's young professionals group to attend. P.S. Clyde, I have not had any cheese ... so my trip is not complete haha.

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