
Bless you and your little car

As you hit the roads for Spring Break or simply heading to work, please be mindful of the drivers with the "In God We Trust" license plate on the back of their vehicles.

You may notice them from afar before you get close enough to see the plate. You may also see their fronts before their backs. They will most likely be the person weaving in and out of traffic. Perhaps bouncing in and around their lane like an old Atari Pong game. In parking lots, they normally come close to hitting you as you walk, or back into your as they pull out of a parking spot.

I have seen more near-misses or close calls or wreckless driving lately and nearly everyone I have spotted have been driving under the influence of God's plate. The plates are new to Indiana as of January and came about because of a recent act that was passed. House Enrolled Act 1013, authored by Rep. Burton and passed by the General Assembly in the 2006 legislative session, allows for the manufacture and purchase of state license plates featuring the words, “In God We Trust.” No additional fee will be enforced for purchase of the plate, as is the case with all other specialty license plates. It will be offered for all vehicle types, including cars, trucks, and SUVs.

As you take to the roads, know that we all have a choice in driving, lets hope that if your plate does not say in "God we Trust" that at least he is there to protect you from the people with the plates.

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