
Smoke'em if you got'em

With all the talk recently about the rat-poisoned dog and cat food, I stumbled across a story that made me wonder the risk we all may be in as we eat nearly anything. The top 10 list of foods that are the dirtiest has been released. Some seem pretty obvious like: chicken, beef and turkey (the top three) need to be fully cooked. Hint: Jack in the Box forgot to cook theirs all the way. Followed by raw oysters (which could lead to sex, and then you die!!!!!) and eggs. So there are the top five death by foods! The next one shocked me: cantaloupe! Yes, the fruit with the inch thick rhine. It is stated that you need to wash the outside thoroughly as you cut the fruit, you are pulling into the fleshy fruit the bacteria from the outside by the knife. Peaches are ranked 7th! Rounding out the bottom three spots: pre-packaged lettuce, deli meats (those terrible deli workers) and scallions. So there you have it, death by food is just just a refrigerator away.

Doesn't this make you wonder how our ancestors ever survived!?! It was not as if refrigeration was around for many of them, or they had cleaning techniques for their knifes or cutting boards (just toss it in the river and let it drip-dry!) However in 2007, we are being knocked off one by one by eating fruit, feeding out dogs or cats moist foods or lettuce at an Olive Garden. Good luck my dear friends, forget the second hand smoke getting you, it is in your refrigerator.

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