
Not in my hollowed out tree!

My friends, it is time to sign up to attend the Girl Scout breakfast! This event is simply one hour, conducted on one day each year. This time, it is April 25, 2007 at 730 at the Marriot.
My sister was not a Girl Scout, none of my girl friends have been Girl Scouts (that I know of) and my ex-wife was not a Girl Scout as a child either. So, you ask, why am I an advocate for the Girl Scouts? Well, it is very simple... think where you would be without Girl Scout cookies? It is like the Keebler Elf but real!
Not really the truth, but it is a factor in my warped mindset. I know it is everyone's role to help promote children to develop better friendships, skills and communication techniques. The Girl Scouts, like the Boy Scouts, focus on the developmental of each child. This is not to say that a parent can not promote this behavior in the home, however, children need to be able to interact, react and work in harmony.
I hope you will respond in favor of attending this informative and rewarding breakfast next month. If you would like, please email me or respond in affirmation that you would like to attend this important breakfast.

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