
...can stop a clock....

This weekend, time is on our side or a pain in our back side, uncertain how you will view it. Most people in Indiana have took a stance to support or venomously oppose the change to Daylight Savings time. I grew up in the country, and we got up early most of the time anyway, and it was dark. I like the fact that it is more light later at night, so I support it.
As part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 that President George W. Bush signed in August 2005, daylight-saving time (DST) begins on the second Sunday of March in 2007 instead of in April. You should set your clock forward one hour March 11 at 2AM. Daylight-saving time ends on the first Sunday of November. It is believed this change will help save precious energy.
Well I can tell you that I will not be up at 2 a.m. However I am not too concerned about my clocks because I think half of my clocks in the house are still the same from the last time we did this day light savings time. I do not wear a watch, so as long as my cell phone changes (and it should automatically) then I really don't have much concern.
Consider this, it was in 2005 that Indiana joined the rest of the country in Daylight Saving Time, leaving only Hawaii and Arizona that do not observe this practice. This should not surprise anyone that Indiana residents fought modernization, as you know, don't get me started on the elderly gatekeepers to our community holding back the opportunities to be like everyone else.
Sometimes I feel like Indiana is the back drop to Little House on the Prairie and we are waiting for Michael Landon to return from the dead to tape a reunion episode. Don't change anything, or he may not return!!! In some ways, we have stopped the clock to progress, but at least this year, we can change our clocks (if we can figure out how to do it).

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