
Oh how the years go by...

For thirty years, I have had a dear friend. Considering that I have just turned 39 that is a huge portion of my life. Considering my sister is 34, I have known my friend for just a few years fewer than my sister. Well yesterday I received word that she will be relocating from Fort Wayne to the land of the Wild Kingdom. No, not an African adventure, but an adventure that seems just as scary - Omaha! This transition won't take place for a bit of time, but it has made me sad, very sad actually. When I think back over the past three decades and the fun and the memories we have shared there are enough to write a book. From riding bikes as kids, to senior high school pranks to Chi Chi dinners to bowling to college letters back and forth that would rip open a gut from the dry humor to marriages (we both had one and don't now) to box wine to trips to Minnesota to gossiping about the reunions we never attended to holiday parties to countless other memories that have made this the most important friendship in my life. Another friend said I should be happy, and I am sure someday I will. For now, I am just sad to miss the comfort of a friend who was just a bottle of house wine away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK that was super sweet! I hope wish you friend the best in Omaha, and will miss seeing her at your parties or random concert trips.