
Fort Wayne i-mazing!

I saw this picture in the Journal Gazette. I am sure few others did, because the circulation is around 7 or 8 on a Saturday edition. People actually were sitting outside with anticipation of the new Iphone. I have a phone, but I am not sure that I would have stood in line to get it. In fact, I would be more likely to stand in line to give the phone back, and my land line too. Hmm.

Friday when I was headed downtown I saw a dancing cowboy right outside the the courthouse! Who knew, but it is comforting to know that even the cowboys get the blues! He had the Brokeback Mountain plaid shirt and Toby Keith-esque straw hat. He learned his dancing from an old Paula Abdul video, but it was entertaining.

I also saw about four "In God we Trust" hell-terror drivers on the road. I am amazed that someone else has not gone vigilante to stop these nuts from driving in two lanes or running red lights or going 20 under the speed limit.

I am just thinking, what would I stand in line for twenty hours to get? Would I have done that for a television? A radio? A signed picture of Dolly Parton? A quick divorce? A high interest rate on my CD? A big bowl of tuna casserole? What would you stand in line to get?

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