
Flight bound to Italy on a seven month delay...

Well, yesterday I received word that I needed to make that hard decision, the one between a rock and hard spot.

I could make business first or fly business to Italy. There was not much of a coin toss in progress to make the decision. More people count on me being here than they me being on an extended vacation. Exciting opportunity exists if I stay here in October and I am thinking Italy will still be there if I go next year, sometime.
Funny how it can be stream of mind, and highest priority for seven months and one simple phone call can chuck it all for doing the right thing. I guess I was just raised right. My years of giving back to the community, I realize that the people who need it the most are the reason we, as individuals, need to make the right decision the first time.
So, no olive oil, lemoncello or Italian wines for Christmas gifts. Now, if you don't get a gift from me, you now know you would have if I had taken the vacation haha.


Anonymous said...

Awww....No Italy? Are you planning to go in the future? I would sooo be up for it if I had time to save cash instead of petitioning 40 of my closest friends for $100, hehe...

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, i am so disappointed for you.

Carbo said...

Well, when I get the Italian itch, I will just go to Casa's! sniff, sniff