
Dinner 4 Five @ 6

The tradition continues as Dinner 4 Five @ 6 had another installment last evening. (Thanks to my kind boss, I am using the computer in my office since my ... well read below...)

The round robin discussion spoke of everything from our careers, to Harrison Square to celebrities we look like. There is a website that you can import your picture and it tells you who you look most like. Well, I did it and my 70% match hit two well known celebrities. My likeness to Donny Osmond and Katie Courick were the matches against the picture I submitted. My toothy grin and my high forehead were the key matches, and the eyes alignment. Odd, but well, know you ...

As we all prepare for Thanksgiving in our own ways, please take a moment to be thankful for the little things (like a 3 subway sandwich high Donkey!!). This year I am forgoing turkey and stuffing to bake a frenzy of desserts for the Holiday Open House which is just more than a week away.

Dinner 4 Five @ 6 takes the month of December off, but will return in January. Who knows, you could be at the table sharing, learning and making new friends! (Our hands represent 4 5 6)

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