
PETA people can't PARTY with Carbo

Well, I know that I normally offend someone nearly daily, and today will not only be any different but it begins with ... I am near the point of securing a donkey for MEXICarbO.
He will be at the party to help celebrate the festivities as the Holiday Open House - #11 will focus on the celebrating my Mexican heritage. (okay, guess I can't pull that over on anyone)
More details as they surface but MEXICarbO will be the only Holiday Party this year, you will be invited to where there is a donkey! Almost Guaranteed!


Anonymous said...


So I googled the song and its Let me ride that donkey by the 69 Boyz.

Nothing goes better with donkey picutres than old cheesey rap!!

Joel Carboni said...

I am proud to say that I am related to you! - joel

Anonymous said...

How about a cheesey christmas italian donkey song - check it out - Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey - I have it if you need it. YOu know us crazy east coast italians!
