
Thanksgathering ...

Those of you who know more about me than you ever cared to know, realize that my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.
It is a non-gift holiday shared with family and friends over a table of food that quickly puts you to sleep. Lord knows, I am all about natural sleep aids haha.
My natural family is not as large as the the Pilgrims and Indians who gathered around and broke maze hundreds of years ago, so I created the festivity called "Thanksgathering". It began initially as a single-person's dinner but it has evolved to anyone who wants to enjoy turkey (or practice eating Thanksgiving) before the big calendar day.
This is the only party that I host at my home which I allow anyone to bring a food item. I make a few turkeys, everyone else brings the fixings. The person who brings the pie is my undying best friend of the day!
This year, Thanksgathering was on a one week delay, as I was in Savannah the first Sunday of the month. So, tomorrow, my house will be filled with happy faces with even greater hearts as they share and give thanks to the gathering of my friends. Thus Thanksgathering is my spin of making my favorite holiday last a bit longer!
(Oh, one of the guests is bringing at Turducken .... the turkey that has duck, chicken and a pork sausage center... all the way from Louisiana!!!)

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