

Sunday was more productive than I anticipated.

I had hoped to do laundry, but lost the motivation... so I needed to pick up a birthday gift that I had in hiding so I can give it to my friend who is cracking 40 this week. While I was out and about, I stopped to pick up a birthday cake for another friend who is having a birthday, and we will celebrate that today. I celebrated a birthday this weekend with a dear friend over dinner and had a splendid time. I have another friend who has a birthday, too, this week but have not set any plans for that one.

One would think with all that partying going down that I would be on the top of the world. But for some reason Sunday and even today I am quite melancholy. I did spend three hours last evening going through my closet and color coding the shirts, and folding and organizing stuff. Found 25 bucks in the process. Now my closet is clean of clothing matter, just had to jostle stuff around all those skeletons haha.

Speaking of skeletons, I aspire to drop weight ... this past week I began the process of consuming better foods and a better quantity as step one. Step two will be going back to the gym - that has not seen me since the Regan administration (well, not exactly but it will feel that way when I start back up). In seven days I have lost 10 pounds. So, just by simply not eating like the last supper three times a day I did that ...

I hope to then set some goals - being 40, single, living alone and ... just living sounds wonderful ... or not ... haha...

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