
Checking in with the big guy ...

I have a friend who has departed on a spiritual quest ... and no, this is not an adventure to Crate and Barrel ... but many times it can be.

I have other friends who find themselves front and center in a church every Sunday.

I am one who believes that I should have a good spirit, but I am not good at organized religion. I did attend a Catholic college. I did take classes that (were intended) to teach me about the bible. I found them interesting, but never could wrap my head around stone tablets and water parting moments. Not saying that it is not true, but my mind I struggled with the realism that it happened that way ... guess too much reality TV that was not so real after all. Thank you Anna Nicole Smith.

Last evening, a couple of friends and I went to Henry's to have dinner or drinks or both, (you decide - election 2008). A friend has a magic 8 ball on her phone and we asked questions all night about our future - marriage, dating, death, true or false questions. If this magic ball has any ability to predict, my life is going to be no different today than yesterday. Which is not all bad I guess.

I think we all need something to believe in ... Matt Kelty still believes he is innocent (the rest of the city does not)... Hillary Clinton still believes she can be President (that she can do if she deals someone a bit of arsenic)... Many people still believe the ball park downtown will help our community (then there are those who can't imagine anything helping the city). Ye who has no faith will end up without an 8 ball on a Sunday with no where to go ...


Anonymous said...

Not exactly carpe diem...


Anonymous said...

You need to get over your Kelty fixation and move on

Carbo said...

Hardly a fixation when every other week the guy is begging for money to pay for his own legal problems that NO one but him created. He ran for PUBLIC office - not I ... so until he goes to jail or pays his debt, I will bash how he ruined our Fort Wayne Republican party ... :) thanks for writing and reading!

Anonymous said...

Keep on writing my friend...
I depend on Carbo to keep me in the "real" know of Ft Wayne...

anyways...who writes anonymous...only those that don't believe in what they are saying anyways...


Anonymous said... this may come on twice..but who cares..

Carbo just needs to keep right on writing.

I look to you to keep me in the "real need to know" of our fine city.

Anyways...who comments anonymous...only thost that don't believe their own words...HA
