
Lifted from the pages ...

The latest issue of Fort Wayne Woman Magazine is mapped out and ready to go to the press. My story made the cut, again, somehow, and I am very excited. My second career choice while roaming the Indiana college canvas was journalism. I have enjoyed writing and have found it be very therapeutic (more for those who read it and go into therapy than me ... but I digress)

Last issue, you saw the life of Sandy Thomson unfold over a dinner at Eddie Merlot. The upcoming July-August will unveil the life of .... (well, I can't tell you) but I will give a few hints.

First the picture captures a portion of the face of my interviewee.

We ate lunch at the Trolley Bar! (Did anyone see us dine there?)

She is a Fort Wayne notable - a leader within her family and within our community.

She is funny, engaging and a person on the move - up, Up, UP! You can pencil this in your day timer.

I was honored to sit across the table from someone who I see will be a fixture in Fort Wayne for many years to come.

The July - August issue will be out in about a month and I hope you buy a magazine (or seven). Fan mail is always appreciated too haha.

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