
He ain't going to roll over on this ...

Well, construction is moving right along. The new room has cement, it has been framed and the siding has all been removed.

I am happy, but someone does not share in this joy and that is Clyde! Oh-mylanta! He is having a hell of a time with the noise. He is very upset, he has found the house to be his personal "outside oasis".

He won't eat, he won't sleep and he is not a very pleasant pup. All three things which are totally out of context for him.

So this weekend, I have stayed closed to home to spend time with him. Also, there is no construction on the weekends. He is eating, he is sleeping (though not like he 19 hours a day like he did before) and he is somewhat moody, but not terrible.

It is funny how animals can become so emotional and sense things. He also had to go to the vet on Friday for his annual check up. His report card was good - he is a good weight, he is alert and healthy. The vet recommended since he is 7 years old, that he begin a "seniors diet". Also, recommended that he have his teeth professionally cleaned.

Uggh, I dreaded that but know that he needs to have it done. I have put it off for over a year. Oh, and by the way, the picture was taken a couple days before construction began.

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