
Somewhere ...

Most likely, if you were any where in the Fort last evening you saw an awesome light storm, perhaps a mini snowball fight and winds which made the trees touch the ground in which they are rooted in ... at the end of the show - there was not fireworks, but there was a magnificent rainbow.

Very amateur photographer - Carbo - snapped this picture of the rainbow outside his front door.

The television coverage last evening was pretty decent too! Thanks to Sandy "Snow" Thomson - I knew exactly when my life was almost going to end ... luckily the trees were stronger than the wind.

I am such a freak about storms - I will be that one guy that you read about that local media will always refer to ... "never stand in front of a glass pane or window or exterior walls during the midst of warning - type weather". I was holding the dog (because he knew that he was suppose to take cover) watching the trees bend and flail around like a fish out of the water.

Anyway, I made it - the house is here (still under massive construction) and I viewed some stupid show called Ghost Whisper or something ---- that I was the person calling the television station stating ... go back to the weather and interrupt scheduled programming!

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