
CBS still has one has-been left

As of lately all the CBS anchors of the evening news have made headlines, except Connie Chung. Katie can not beat reruns of M*A*S*H, Dan Rather is suing for being released from his contract over a year ago, Walter Cronkite will return to television at the age of 91. Poor Connie, she could not get her name in the news if she would have been riding shot gun with O.J. Simpson.

Speaking of O.J. it really should not surprise me that in our land of the free that he is free on bond. You have to figure if our local aspiring politician can be out within seconds that O.J. would be also. Of course, both are not guilty and of course I would not tip my hand to say that there has been anything to point that the wall of bars should be the new vogue for them, but if you take out the sarcasm you will find my true belief.

Finally, Ms. Spears has been informed she can not do drugs around her child. Really? She can't do drugs around her child? I thought there were laws already in place that prohibit her from doing drugs PERIOD. This is what kills me about our land of the free, we have laws that are to protect us from the freaks and villains yet some are entertaining us and others are running for mayoral positions. We wonder why no one watches the network news, it is not Katie's fault, (directly), we are just fed up with the imbalance of the wealth or fame of some and the cautiousness not to offend.

If I offended, guess what, I really don't care ... I am not running for office nor have I lied to grand jury.

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