
Match Game ...

It may have been called "Match Game" because your answer was supposed to match a celebrity answer, but really it had to do with the smoking on the show. This was one of those memories I have, growing up Carbo, about the show that was a staple in my formative years.

There were no Veggies Tales or Hanna Montana when I grew up, no, I had Brett Somers. She passed away last week and it is kinda sad to see someone go who was so flippant, fun and carefree. She made the show, for me at least.

She was the wife of Jack Klugman, who was famous for his role as Quincy M.D. In the summer of 2003, she appeared in a one-woman cabaret show, "An Evening with Brett Somers," which she wrote and co-produced. She continued to perform after being diagnosed with cancer.

So, we raise our glass to Brett Somers and the end of the smoking era on network television. She will be missed, at least on the Game Show Network and for this guy who found her fun and irreverent.

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