
Okay, so I lied....

I think I may have said now that I have my jukebox, I don't have any other "things" I need or want. Well, it only took about four minutes to realize that was a total lie.

When we went to Ann Arbor this summer, I fell in love with this one piece of art and realized that I am going to have to get it. I went back a couple times to the booth and debated should I or shouldn't I?
Well the shouldn't I won out but I have emailed the artists and looked at the picture like it was the Holy Grail, but since I am not religious, I looked at the picture like it was a giant Swiss Cake! So as time lapses I just know that I will eventually breakdown and make this purchase. Why shouldn't I just seems such a lame question haha.
(Oh, the symbol is "Fire")


Anonymous said...

where do i find one of those?

Carbo said...

This was from the Ann Arbor art fair.

I can send you the name of the artist.

Deidra said...

Hey...just a thought, after the tour of Le Carbo this weeken, and seeing your future wall of the "throne " room....I think Fire art would be perfect in there...and just could sit and ponder the finer arts of life when they visit and have to leave a little somthing behind. Enjoy the laugh and the thought!