
Pick a day, any day...

Well, now that fall has come and grabbed us by the nappy hair on our heads, I find my calendar to look like a sudoku maze. Every Saturday between now and November had something etched in stone, or stone like. Football, dancing, eating...
My Sundays remain open for the most part, because I am still observing Lent by not going to church. I gave it up, but I forgot to find out when I need to start it. It has been seven years now. But for a more religious moment I am going to Savannah in November to celebrate the saints holiday. Yes, the haunted pub crawl is calling (perhaps echoing) my name. So a very good friend and I are taking to the sky and flying our broom down to celebrate Halloween weekend in the most haunted city! We are also picking up a cooking class or two just for fun.
The big holiday open house, MEXICarbO, is December 1 and everyone who knows this is the largest party of the year! (Borrowed from my former friends at Marshall Fields, God rest their soul!) The prep and planning is in high gear. My peeps and colleagues are working also to help make this the biggest bash on any December 1st in America's history. If you have not been invited but think you may want to be included, just drop me a message and perhaps you can join the festivities.
Most exciting, confirmation on Italy. Back on the books for April. I have locked in a travel companion and we are confirming dates with the travel agency to match up the cooking classes so really, the days are unfolding with fun activities.
Tomorrow is a cooking class on Indian Vegetarian with two of my lady friends! These are the two foodies in my life that inspire! Stay tuned, book early or just read what Carbo is doing and live through me.

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