
It is just an honor ...

As I age at rapid speed, I have seen some things change that have lead to great surprise. Take for example the award programs. One week, we are talking about how fat Brittney Spears was as she sang a song. I can remember award shows where not one word was said about Aretha Franklin's weight. Trust me there are 7 Brittney's to 1 Aretha.
Award shows were filled with words like 'blessing to work with this crew", "the most amazing ensemble", "I love to go to work with the cast", "they are like family", "I can't believe I get paid to do something I love so much". Now as you watch it is "Fck U Bush", "War is killing our children", "we live in a horrible nation"...
I wonder when those who were hired to entertain us became political analyst. I liked it when the same people I watched on television for humor and comedy were not the same people who were challenging nations to become better or do better. I fear that some day when I go to Kroger's that I am going to hand my Kroger Plus Card to the cashier and she will say, "you know that every one will die at the hands of Bush". There are people who just should not speak out and it has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It is just respect, which in America we have lost it, just like the Sopranos lost the Emmys!

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