
Bored to run

I can tell you after watching last night's episode of 60 minutes, that I became a lesser fan of Bruce Springsteen than I was before it all started.
I always find it ironic that singers think and even state that they can shape the world by a song they sing, even write. Perhaps the song can become part of our energy, or event become a shirt or a craze but I am not sure that it will shape the world. However, "Car Wash" has not changed the world nor has "Queen of Hearts"!
Well Bruce said that not only does he think this, but he also is a fan of himself. His looks, his ego, his power. Well, perhaps that he has a new album out and a year long tour scheduled, he plans to take the world by storm.
Through his music, he will change and shape politics. Our politicians can't shape it and they work full time on it. Bruce is going to sing a song and he is going to change the world. Perhaps he should run for office and really make a huge impact on the country. But wait, could you imagine a singing President, like Cop Rocks! was a dismal success on television.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you wholeheartedly! i much prefer my entertainers to entertain...i don't need them to tell me how to think, or what my moral stance should be on any issues.