
Seven in Seven ...

As you may know, this blog is officially approved by Clyde! Well, Clyde will be seven in seven days. His birthday is October 19 and every day for the past week I have been telling him that his birthday is coming very soon.
I will be going to the pet bakery to get him some fresh baked treats for his birthday. Hard to imagine the little guy being seven, but his day does only consists of sleeping, stretching, eating and itching, it pretty much is a dog's life.
(Birthday) Hats off to Clyde on his upcoming birthday!!


Anonymous said...

birthday congrats to clyde! all my fur-babies came to me with unknown histories, so we have no birthdays to celebrate...we just treat every day as if it were their birthdays!

Carbo said...

Now Clyde is jealous. He has only one special day a year ... other dogs get to celebrate in a much classier way :(