
I have something to admit ... I am going to rehab!

It has become the craze, and I don't want to be left out!

I have issues too. I eat too many Swiss Cakes. I listen to too much music. I love to cook.
I am going to check into rehab. I am hoping for a 17 stay, long enough to know what it is like to go without, or without too much of anything. Now, I won't promise to change or anything, I am just going to call my 17 day Italian adventure a rehab trip. Perhaps it is covered under my insurance, which would really make my day.
Doesn't everyone need a bit of rehab? I mean seriously. Every day someone else is going in for an extended stay. Joe Nichols (a country singer) Lindsay Lohan (a .. well who knows) Tom Collins (oh, that is a drink you get in rehab), well really there are alot of people checking in.
My note for economical development for our downtown, start a posh rehab clinic. No better way to get our community in the lights than to serve those stars which are suffering from the pressures of everyday life!

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