
No lines?

Growing up Carbo, I remember a conversation that would resurface time and again from my grandmother on how she could not come out to see us late at night because there were no lights and no lines on the road in the desolate country home where I grew up. Well, it was not like we lived 5 corn rows from the Engall's or anything, but in contrast to 300 metal trailers on a 1 acre plot of land, we did live in a country hideaway.
Last night driving home on West Jefferson (between Main Street and Ardmore) I swear I was grandma for a split second. It was impossible to tell where I was to be going. There were big orange bucket dividers (like pictured above) and then there were the crazy dunce cap orange cones and they all must have been drunk, because not one cone was in the same straight line. The road had virtually no lines and driving and drivers seemed to be making up their own path to get to their destination. Some places there were two lanes of traffic, at one point there was barely one.
Mind you there were construction workers on big machinery, but I am to assume that someone should have been on the ground directing some sort of traffic. It was almost 9 pm, so perhaps they had to break, but it was like scene out of Roger Rabbit.
Luckily, for you the reader, I made it home to complain and write this entry but it should serve as a word of caution, if you are taking West Jefferson at night, good luck. Say your prayers and hope you make it to the other side of the road.


Anonymous said...

Drove thru it myself, it is a mess. There will be some fender benders there for sure!

Ms. Glitz said...

Can you imagine those who have had a couple of drinks trying to blink enough to see the lines on the road?